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Refine your management style with a training by this company

Leadership is one of the most important skills that are expected from you to have as a manager in corporate culture. Are you the proud owner of your own business or are you currently working on refining your leadership skills? Then PresenceAtWork will gladly assist you on your leadership journey with their excellent management training. With their guidance and your own experience, you will be able to create a leadership style that is authentic to you as a person and the goals you aim for during your professional role in your company. This will inspire your team and peers to do the same and to fully commit to their own professional development within the company.

The unique approach of this powerful management training

With the training provided by PresenceAtWork, you will focus on your management capabilities in a unique and powerful way. These specialists are experienced in people transformation and believe that a true and positive transformation starts from within. Therefore, they have composed a unique management training program that will help you get in touch with the very foundation that makes up your personality. By doing this, you will gain more insight into what your values and capabilities are and how you can use these as tools in your professional life. Get in touch with your full, embodied intelligence by focusing on what is in your head and how your decisions impact your guts and heart. This body-centred assessment theory is called ‘Leader Being Strength Indicator’ or LBSI and is the key component of this powerful management training program.

Contact these professionals today

If you are looking for a unique training course that will help you on your way with developing your leadership skills, we therefore recommend you invest in the courses by PresenceAtWork. Their office is situated in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, but their facilitators can teach their courses in either Dutch or English as they are specialised in helping English-speaking managers develop their skills. Reach out to these professionals to get started on your personal management training by either calling them or send them an email.